1. Making ultra-thin sections of rock varnish samples from the world´s deserts. 2. Providing VML age interpretation of varnish samples from surficial geomorphic features in the Great Basin and its vicinity of western USA. 3. Providing VML age interpretation of varnish samples from geoarchaeological features such as surface stone tools, petroglyphs, and geoglyphs in the Great Basin and its vicinity of western USA. 4. Conducting contracted comprehensive studies of varnish microstratigraphy for other desert regions of the world, including Sahara, Negev, Patagonia, Atacama, Coastal Desert of Peru, Gürbantongüt Desert of western China, and drylands of south Australia. For more information about VML dating services, please contact Dr. Tanzhuo Liu at vml_dating@yahoo.com, or visit VML Dating Lab's website (www.vmldating.com). |